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Child Sexual Exploitation


“We are determined that the wickedness of child abuse is met head on.  That means empowering all young people so that they are best protected from those who wish to exploit their innocence.

“Based upon first-class research, we have developed a play in partnership with GW Theatre Company, scriptwriter Mike Harris, local councils and others across the UK, so that through drama youngsters become aware of the dangers of group and gang grooming. This is followed up by discussions in school with experts to provide support and guidance so that young people have the best chance of staying safe.  In addition, the foundation is developing multi-media that will further help to safeguard all our children.

“We know that abusers deliberately target youngsters who are innocent of the dangers they face and who are unlikely to tell if something bad is done to them.  In a way that engages and reassures young people, we are alerting them to what they should watch out for and empowering them to speak up. This combination of informed youngsters who won't keep secrets is a complete nightmare for abusers and is a great way of keeping UK children safe.

"Please remember too that when individuals work together as a gang to exploit and harm children their common link is child sexual abuse - not their colour, creed, ethnicity or background. There is a very real danger that we will be less effective in protecting children if we forget that individual gang members’ total and complete motivation is wanting to exploit and abuse youngsters.

“No doubt racist organisations in the UK, as in the past, will want to exploit public anger at child abuse to divide communities and society for their own extreme ends.  But to protect our children properly, we must not be sidetracked and keep firmly focused on the wickedness of child sexual abuse and what we know best helps keep children safe.”

Copyright 2009-2023

 The Oxford Foundation is a registered charity in England and Wales. Charity Registration Number 1175923.  

Company Registration No. 6880287.

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